Safety is core to Journey's culture and lives as the first priority on all projects. Journey Group's safety program focuses on creating behavioral, relationship-based safety that is followed by our direct employees as well as our subcontracting team.

Everyone goes home safely, every single night.

As a true builder, planning for safety really is the most important thing we do every day. More than anything, we want to ensure that our workers and subsequent occupants of the building are safe.

That's why we hire the best and brightest minds in the industry. Every new hire is trained on safety procedures. Our safety director is constantly in the field reviewing our safety and the safety of any subcontractors we hire.

We don’t say safety first, we say people first.

We know that one lapse in judgment can lead to catastrophic events. That's why we administer our own relational based safety standards in addition to national and state OSHA regulations. We even have a safety department to maintain safety compliance across the board.

We know that safety does not occur by chance. It is the result of careful attention on all fronts, by all who are directly and indirectly involved. The responsibility for safety extends from the top management to trade workers.

Safety Vision:

To treat everyone as the most important person.

Safety Values:

Serving - We succeed by focusing our attention and energies on anticipating and exceeding people's expectations. Our actions are driven by a, "Yes, WE can," attitude.

Integrity - Our relationships and decisions will speak for our desire to always act with honesty and fairness. People learn from interacting with us that they can trust us to be who we say we are do what we say we'll do.

Teamwork - Our relationships are built on mutual trust and respect. We recognize the value and worth of each person we are privileged to encounter. We seek to understand what is important to others and let people know they are appreciated for who they are and what they do.

Excellence - We continually pursue opportunities to improve ourselves and the services we provide. We learn from our experiences, build on our successes, and make changes when changes are beneficial.

Passion for Safety:

Our DESIRE is to create a better everyday life for all our people by providing a working environment free from harm, and by promoting a positive culture and continuously improving the health, safety, and wellbeing of our team members.

We are FOCUSED on creating a safe working environment where our workforce is empowered to step up, act and be responsible for their own health and safety and that of the others around them.

Our COMMITMENT to all of Journey Group's employees and shareholders is demonstrated by our leadership and management of the health and safety of their team members.

Web Joel Ekeren Updated 9 18 24 03153

Joel Van Ekeren
Safety Director

Final edit Ainsworth Benning Kyle Dringman 23 FOR WEB Edit 2

Kyle Dringman
Safety Manager

Web James Newsome 9 9 24

James Newsome
Safety Specialist

Mike Willems DSC04203 5 13 24

Mike Willems
Safety Specialist

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