In the News

Journey CEO: Major projects, ongoing growth add up to projected record 2022

You name it, this company likely built it in the past year – from major office projects to massive warehouses, medical buildings, roads, bridges, banks, food production facilities and homes.

In the News

Wellness Initiatives Helping Employers Stand Out in Tight Labor Market

With more than 360 employees across four divisions working in Sioux Falls, Spearfish, and Sioux City, Journey Group is investing in their employees' health and wellness.


Episode 2: Who Is Journey Construction?

Journey Group is made of up distinct Divisions, each of which specializes in a different aspect of construction. This episode highlights Journey Construction – our vertical construction Division. Listen to Darin Hage, vice president of Journey Construction, and Tony Wiseman, Director of Project Development, as we discuss the growth of the Division and how our unique Preconstruction process enables us to provide "More than Construction" to our partners, our clients, and our community.


Episode 1: What Does It Mean to Build Community?

Who is Journey Group? Why are we called "Journey"? How has Journey Group built community across South Dakota?
Join president and CEO, Randy Knecht, and vice president of Operations, Marlyn Bergeson, as we examine the history, origins, and mission of a local construction company built on positively impacting lives.

In the News

From Building Bridges to Building Patient Rooms

As Monument Health in Rapid City began to anticipate a need for more patient rooms in March, its construction management team reached out to Ainsworth-Benning Construction, a division of Journey Group located in Spearfish that serves the Black Hills and surrounding areas.

In the News

Journey Group acquires well-known North Sioux City commercial, residential construction firms

Journey Group has acquired two new business units based in North Sioux City, adding instant expertise in food processing manufacturing construction and residential homebuilding.

In the News

Just in time for the holidays: Downtown’s newly improved Eighth Street bridge is ready

At Remedy Brewing Co., they’re definitely ready to raise a glass to this: Downtown’s Eighth Street bridge is reopening better than ever.

In the News


The bridge and the river have been important combined assets for Sioux Falls for over 100 years, and while use of the river has changed some from its early days, the bridge continues to be an important connector to communities across the river.

In the News

A first look at the new Jefferson High School in Sioux Falls

Jefferson High School is equipped with a commons area, gymnasium, music wing and academic pods that divide classrooms by subject. The school is designed to have multiple events going on at once, with an open layout and multiple gathering spaces. It is set to be ready for students this next fall.

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